Sunday 23 September 2007

This is the reason I haven't been blogging much. These are two seperate stacks of books for two different 2,500 word essays. One on Religion and Science, the other on the British Perspective on the American Revolution. Oh yeah, and these are only 1/3 of the reading lists. As a result. I've been pretty busy just writing papers. I finished one last night after staying up late, and I've just cracked the code on the other. Interestingly I think I've discovered why so many British Merchants supported the Americans in the Revolution. Its an amazing web to track. In any event, I just wanted to let you all know I will be writing more, but it might be a few days. Also I'm planning a trip to Ireland, so next weekend I won't be available at all, although I'll have some awesome stories when I get back.

Anyway, I thought you might want to know what I've been up to, so just play the video underneath on repeat for a week and you'll have my experience for the past few days.

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