Sunday 16 September 2007

Today was a nice relaxing time. I've been amazed how many people in the program have put off their papers until today. There were only a handful of us that could do anything but write and research today because everyone else was working. Its been surprising to me, and I discussed it with my parents on the phone yesterday. Perhaps its due to me being older than most of my classmates, maybe its because even though I might not be the in the upper echelon of intelligence here at the program, I do have more experience. It helps having the education I do, I've written a lot of papers in book reports, history reports, philosophical essays, and finally the literary master piece, the FORRMAL. Due to all these experiences writing a 2,500 word essay doesn't give me much to tremble about. But I really am surprised that so many other people just procrastinated. One of my roommates started his first paper at Oxford University tonight, another one of my roommates will undoubtedly be up until 4 or 5 am (10 or 11pm for most of you) writing. Its crazy.

I had to throw out my milk today though. It was only a day after expiration which leads me to assume that Britain doesn't use the same preservatives in their products.

Well with my free time today I watched some television over the Internet, and wouldn't you know it I've become addicted to a new show. Guess what it is? Its Robin Hood, on the BBC, a new interpretation on the hero we all know and love... this particular Robin speaks loads to me because in this version he returns from the Crusades a pacifist. He uses his archery and wit to trick and disarm, and at most intimidate, but never to kill... rarely to maim. Its an interesting take on the legend.

I also had fun playing some ultimate frisbee. I realized how out of shape I am since not doing a sport for the first time in the last 10 years. I gotta start running. Tonight I ate spaghetti and started trying to learn basic French... its going slowly, but I'm enjoying it. Also a girl in the program Alyssa knows that I make Russian Pancakes (Bilini) and she's had me make some for her before since she spent a semester in Russia and fell in love with them. Well she realized that she could make some money by having me make Russian Pancakes and her filling them with different confections like cream, strawberries, bananas, or chocolate. She marketed it and I made the pancakes, we made about 4 pounds by charging 50p a cake. So I made around $4 American tonight because of it. But that 2 pounds can buy four loaves of bread. This may turn into a regular Sunday event.

Another thing I did today was start a video tour for you. This first installment is just showing you the way to my room on the third floor. You'll get introduced to our two WCs, Loos or bathrooms , and through to my bedroom. Should be fun so click on the video below.

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