Thursday 22 November 2007

Today has been amazing, and its just beginning. Because it is Thanksgiving I just had to share this short thought:

Some of you have been asking me what the biggest lesson or most important thing I've learned from my time here at Oxford. And I think I must give the same answer Karl Barth once gave.

You see, Karl Barth was arguably the most influential and prominent theologian of the 20th century. His writings and research have influenced countless Christians. Once, he was giving a speech at the University of Chicago, and afterwards people crowded around him to shake his hand, and hopefully ask him a question. One such student asked, "Dr. Barth, in all of your studies on the Bible and all your lifetime of work on theology, what is the greatest lesson or deepest thought you've become aware of?"

Dr. Barth without hesitation or a moment's thought replied; "Jesus loves me."

I am thankful that I have learned this too. This morning God spoke joy and peace into my life. It's been a wonderful morning so far. There are eternal things to be thankful for.

1 comment:

none said...

k.b. really is a fascinating guy. my dad is in a study group on 'on religion: the revelation of god as the sublimation of religion.' not sure i understand it, but still worth it.